Incantation of Icon classes

Today man is performing every duty professionally besides praying to God. They give excuse of their business and Icon classes teach them that only this deed can make their efforts fruitful. The moment they spend fabulous time in reconnecting with god in prayer, an awakened aura prevails around their personality. Their continuous fellowship with Christ keeps them balanced both in happiness and sorrow times.

We all know that the sacred geometry is the foundation of religious icons. An artist has to spend minimum 30 hours to make an egg tempera icon for an icon of Mother Mary; it pours tremendous patience on his/her part. This patience brings a transection from confusion to peace. The organization of Icon classes has become extremely important in today’s time. Many cannot go to Church every Sunday so presence of icons gives them visualization of god’s grace. It imbibes peace of mind within and an angry person becomes cool one with the passing of time. The spatial relationship between images and colors of icons help them realize that they are a soul whom god has sent with some purpose on this earth.


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